Thursday, October 16, 2008

{100 Days of Gratitude} archive

100 days of gratitude tag

"Thinking of things we are grateful for is a healing balm. It helps us get outside ourselves. It changes our focus from our pains and our trials to the abundance of this beautiful world we live in."

--Joseph B. Wirthlin (Ensign, March 2004, p. 26)

Days 1-10: 10/16/2008 to 12/7/2008

Day 1 - {A date from heaven}

Day 2 - {my edward cullen}

Day 3 - {cute little puppy for a cute little boy}

Day 4 - {progress in healing}

Day 5 - {Mom and Dad}

Day 6 - {our new chickens}

Day 7 - {a seven-hour drive}

Day 8 - {modern prophets}

Day 9 - {Thanks-Giving}

Day 10 - {my testimony}


Days 11-20: 12/18/2008 to 4/3/2009

Day 11 - {a most adorable niece who knows just what to say to melt my heart}

Day 12 - {a healthy body}

Day 13 - { christmas }

Day 14 - {my winter baby}

Day 15 - { love from a Sister }

Day 16 - {an invincible summer }

Day 17 - {a gradual opening}

Day 18 - { photoshop! }

Day 19 - { baby brother bookend }

Day 20 - { life with exacto, fluffy, and hummer }


Days 21-30: 4/6/2009 to 7/17/2009

Day 21 - { heavenly conference weekend }

Day 22 - { easter morning }

Day 23 - { the little lost library book that now is found }

Day 24 - { twelve years of real-life romance }

Day 25 - { Beloved Becky }

Day 26 - {better-than-we-deserve neighbors}

Day 27 - {christmas dreaming}

Day 28 - {my lake isle of Inisfree}

Day 29 - { Fluffy }

Day 30 - { DC's job }


Days 31-40: 7/25/2009 to 10/21/2009

Day 31 - {A/C}

Day 32 - { mrs. tapa }

Day 33 - { ultrasound results }

Day 34 - { the Priesthood }

Day 35 - { my mother-in-love }

Day 36 - { my mother }

Day 37 - { beloved Rosy }

Day 38 - { you }

Day 39 - { my Dad }

Day 40 - { time }


Days 41-50: 10/31/2009 to

Day 41 - {.new traditions.}

Day 42 - {our celestial son}

Day 43 - { Suzie-Q }

Day 44 - {Zion in central Arkansas}

Day 45 - { joys of having boys }

Day 46 - { "Our Christmas Eve Miracle, part 3" }


Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...[Reply to comment]

So appreciate your gratitude posts! Isn't gratefulness life changing? I began writing out a 1000 things I'm thankful for and the list has now been retitled The Endless Gifts, and the whole process began a blogging community of gratitude. Wonderful to find you doing similar things... God is so GRACIOUS and GOOD!

Every blessing to you and yours....
All's grace,