Thursday, October 2, 2008

real-life angels

Just after Benjamin's graveside service, there was some time for people to come and hug us and offer comfort. After a while, and many had come and gone, suddenly I found myself in a circle of sisters from my ward family. They were talking to me and each other, but I don't remember a word they said. One found a chair for me to sit on. And one started rubbing my shoulders and back. They encircled me and just carried my pain with me for a while. I felt ministered to. I knew these sisters would be there for me after my beloved family left to go home. I knew that they were sent to me at this particular time by a loving Heavenly Father. As they lifted and strengthened me I felt His love. When I think back on this moment and envision their faces, they radiate in my memory. The picture below was taken before the moment I'm talking about, but it shows a few of the real-life angels that were there that day.


This is a beautiful memory I will always carry in my heart.


Since sending that post yesterday I have felt surrounded again by angels. In my pain I reached out, and you reached back! You'll never know how much your words and prayers strengthened me and lifted me. I literally felt a peace enter my heart. It was still a hard day, and I did spend time crying. But I didn't feel alone! Thank you so much.

Thank you for being my angels. This month may be an especially hard one, but I feel comforted that I can share my feelings here and you will understand and love me through it. I hope I will be there for you, too, when you need me!




JenB said...[Reply to comment]

We love you Michelle.

llamitanan said...[Reply to comment]

I remember seeing you surrounded by those sweet Arkansans and feeling like you were in good hands. They are "angels." Nice post!

snbjork said...[Reply to comment]

You're so sweet. I'm so grateful that you are feeling some peace. I will continue to pray for you. I wish I could be one of your angels, in person!

Becky said...[Reply to comment]

Oh, that I were an angel!! (One of my favorite scriptures and songs.)

Jennifer said...[Reply to comment]

We are so blessed to have YOU! Thank you for YOUR strength.