Sunday, September 9, 2007

Go to Sleep, Sweet Noodle

One of Hummer's favorite songs right now is "Silly Lullaby", from Philadelphia Chickens by Sandra Boynton. It's SO cute to hear him sing it! (Hopefully I can borrow a digital video camera and capture that to post on here!) But for now, here's a picture and the words:

Go to sleep, my zoodle,
my fibblety-fitsy foo.
Go to sleep, sweet noodle.
It's time to say, "Ah-choo."

The chickens in the bathtub,
the closet full of sheep,
the sneakers in the freezer,
are all drifting off to sleep.

Go to sleep, my zoodle,
my fibblety-fitsy foo.
Go to sleep, sweet noodle.
The owl is whispering, "Moo."


Nana/Mom said...[Reply to comment]

How sweet! The picture of Hyrum sleeping makes me want to give him a big hug. Would love to hear him singing the song. He sounded so sweet singing on the phone yesterday. Thanks for sharing!

Becky said...[Reply to comment]

I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Hyrum sleeping. He's such a sweet boy. I'm excited for him to be an older brother!

Unknown said...[Reply to comment]

Dear Mama's Boys:

Charming site.