Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Small Town Fall Fest

Ah, the joys of living in a small town! Our city has a yearly "Fall Fest" held at the largest park in the city (really the ONLY park worth going to :)), and this year we finally went for the first time. DC was conducting a baptism and couldn't come, but I herded the boys into the car and braved it on my own.
The hot dog eating contest
(note Exacto and Fluffy in their balloon hats watching from the front row)

Some beautiful birds were there!

The Baby Crawl Contest (the baby in the middle lane won!)

A good time was had by all. :)


Nana/Mom said...[Reply to comment]

What a fun family activity! Wished I could have been there to go with you. Good for you for taking the boys even though Chris had to work. Yay, Michelle!

bluenomad77 said...[Reply to comment]

Looks like a lot of fun. Those small-town festivals are sure entertaining. Love the balloon hats!