Friday, April 11, 2008

Wisdom from Dickens

"If anything could soothe the first sharp pain of a heavy loss, it would be--with me--the reflection, that those I mourned, by being innocently happy here, and loving all about them, had prepared themselves for a purer and happier world. . . . "

"The recollection of past pleasure may become pain. . . .To remember happiness which cannot be restored is pain, but of a softened kind. . . .The good in this state of existence preponderates over the bad, let mis-called philosophers tell us what they will. If our affections be tried, our affections are our consolation and comfort; and memory, however sad, is the best and purest link between this world and a better." (Nicholas Nickleby, p. 65)


Becky said...[Reply to comment]

Dickens is deep. I'd love to talk with you about this quote.

snbjork said...[Reply to comment]

Becky's right. Dickens is deep. Maybe that's why I don't read Dickens. I'm exhausted just from trying to grasp all that he just said! Someday I wanna be as smart as you. =)

llamitanan said...[Reply to comment]

What a good quote! How did you find it? Was it in the movie? I missed it there if so. Thanks for sharing!

Michelle said...[Reply to comment]

I'm reading the book right now (about 1/3 of the way through it), and just came across it. I don't think it's in the movie. I'm so glad Dickens wrote as many novels as he did! I feel like I'm still getting to know his style and improve on understanding it. His writing is so uplifting and beautiful.

llamitanan said...[Reply to comment]

I want to include this one too.