Wednesday, November 6, 2013


11/6 ~ Exacto was shivering during dinner, and Rosebud looked at his face with concern, saying, "You have goosebumps from your acne."
~ We were at the mall and walked by some headless mannikins wearing fancy clothes. Rosebud said, "Look, there's some scary americans!"
11/5 ~ The Mexican hot chocolate drink was ready to serve, and I called up to DC: "Sweetie! It's ready!"
Rosebud, helpful as ever, yelled: "COME FOR ABUELITA, SWEETIE!"
11/4 ~ Rosebud had a baby towel on her head. Daddy said, "That's a nice hat." Rosebud responded, "It's not a hat. I'm going to be Mary. And Mommy's going to be an angel. And Exacto will be the hay."
11/2 ~ Rosebud and Suzie-Q. . .
Rosebud: "Do you ever buy anything expensive?"
Suzie-Q: "Yeah, sometimes."
Rosebud: *GASP* "That is NOT good."
10/29 ~ We were listening to Grandma Baker's CD as we drove to King Soopers, with her beautiful singing of I Feel My Savior's Love. I parked and turned it off. Rosebud said sweetly, "I love Grandma Baker. And I love Nana. And I love King Soopers."
~ Rosebud: "Grapes have raisins in them."
10/28 ~ The boys' epithet for rap:  King Noah's poetry
~ Rosebud was on Song for FHE and insisted that we sing "Shoo fly, don't father me."
10/24 ~ Hummer, referring to the cute little bowl of M'n'M's on the counter: "May I please have an M'n'M?"
Me: "Sure."
I was reading something. A minute later. . .
Hummer: "May I please have an M'n'M?"
Me: "Sure. Didn't you just have one?"
Hummer with a grin: "I was hoping you would have déjà vu."
an old one I just found. . .
9/12/13 ~ Rosebud: "Scary things are cool."
< pause >
Rosebud: "Do you want me to tell you a story?"
Me: "Sure."
Rosebud: "Once upon a time there was a centipede and a girl.
“She screamed for help.
“And then Daddy came, and happily ever after!
“The end."


Our Little Hatch Family !!! said...[Reply to comment]

Too Funny! I LOVE how innocent they sound right before something hilarious 'explodes' sometimes good...sometimes bad! I am grateful you are still blogging too! It is hard realizing some of my dearest friends have stopped blogging because that was the ONLY way I was able to keep in sad. So I truly am so thankful to the ones that still blog...I love seeing all your fun adventures and your kiddos are getting so big! I am so glad you were able to do everything you had wanted to do for Benjamin's special day! Miss you my beautiful friend! I am so glad you and yours are doing well!

snbjork said...[Reply to comment]

I love quotables!