Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Project 365 Rosebud - { too marvelous for words }

I'm doing great with my goal of taking pictures of Rosebud every day, but apparently I can't manage to post them regularly! So these are just some of my favorites from the past couple of weeks.

I've had this Nat King Cole song stuck in my head for days, and I sing it to her all the time :).

(Click on the player to enjoy. . . . .)

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


You're just too marvelous, too marvelous for words

 Day 91


like "glorious",


and that old standby "amorous".


Day 105


You're just too wonderful. I'll never find the words


Day 100


That tell enough,

Spell enough,

I mean, they just aren't swell enough.


Day 101


You're much too "much",

And just too very "very",

To ever be in Webster's Dictionary.




And so I'm borrowing

A love song from the birds


Day 98


To tell you're that your marvelous,

Too marvelous for words.




Andre said...[Reply to comment]

She is beautiful!

Montserrat said...[Reply to comment]

She's positively lovely! I love Day 100.

Becky said...[Reply to comment]

I love the pictures! You know, we say that she looks like so-and-so in this picture of that, but her smile is all hers. I love it!

Natalie said...[Reply to comment]

SOOOOOO CUTE! Love 103 and 104! What a fun, great idea!

Becky Rose said...[Reply to comment]

LOVE THIS POST! She's beautiful!

Andrea said...[Reply to comment]

She really is marvelous. I am grateful that I get to enjoy her in real life every now and again.

snbjork said...[Reply to comment]

Such a beautiful little princess!

llamitanan said...[Reply to comment]

Rosemary is so sweet. These pictures just make me want to squeeze that little girl. Thank you for sharing. What a delightful post!

Vauna said...[Reply to comment]

What wonderful pictures! She is too marvelous for words! I can't wait to meet her!
She's lucky to have such doting parents. I think a lot of the world's problems would be solved if all parents adored their children as you and Chris do!