Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2010: the year to ENJOY

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At first I thought I would apologetically introduce this post as being late. It is well into April already, after all. But then I realized that the reason I haven't written this post sooner is because I've been doing (most of the time) exactly what I'm going to write about! { pat on the back :) }

This year, 2010, is my year to ENJOY.

It is the year of Rosebud's babyhood.

It is the last year I will have all pre-teenagers.


And, really, each year of a child's life is so precious. Babyhood is particularly amazing because of the stunning amount of growth in such a short time that babies experience, but truly, I love every single year of childhood. My mom says there is something to love about every phase, and she's right, of course.


So, it is the year to enjoy Hummer as a 6-year-old, with teeth falling out and coming in all over the place, and with almost everything that he says making me laugh.



It is the year to enjoy Fluffy as an 8- and 9-year-old, outgrowing clothes faster than I can keep up with, and becoming newly aware of the world around him.



It is the year to enjoy Exacto as an 11- and 12-year-old, seeing him ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood and being able to laugh with him and have deep conversations with him.



And it is the year for DC and I to watch in awe and delight as our daughter learns and grows at an almost visible rate.


I am really glad to have chosen this as my "theme" for the year. Already I have caught myself several times slipping into the getting-stuff-done mode, or wishing-away-a-phase mode. But then I remember how fleeting this time is. That when 2011 rolls around things will be different. I just want to bottle up this time and be able to look at it and taste it and ENJOY it always.


Unfortunately (or fortunately) the nature of mortality is that years pass, and that somehow we have to learn to find joy in the present time without longing for what came before or wishing for what is ahead.


I think that that is part of Benjamin's gift to me. To see the intrinsic value of each moment of our life and savor it. To accept that time flows on, and things change, and that the things we rejoice in most are the things that will last beyond the limits of time. I love knowing that after this life, I will have one more baby to enjoy through all the phases of growing up!


And for now, I will hold Rosebud as much as I can, and hug those boys as much as they will let me, and tickle and listen to jokes and go for walks and jump on the trampoline and read stories and just . . .


. . . .ENJOY!


GumbyandPokey said...[Reply to comment]

I like your theme. I love the sweet first picture in the post. The last picture startled me. Your older two boys are starting to look so grown up!! Love you!


Tricia said...[Reply to comment]

Thanks Michelle for your words - that is just what I needed to hear today. How easy it is to get caught up in the day to day things and not spend the quality time with those that mean the most. Thanks to your inspiration I have already read books quite a bit this morning with my little guy - when I had planned other things.

Montserrat said...[Reply to comment]

Beautiful post! Finding joy in the journey. Love all the candid photos.

Maria said...[Reply to comment]

Isn't that the truth!? That is my goal... to not be so busy that I 'miss' what is going on around me. And it seems like I have to 'check' myself every so often. I am pulling out baby clothes McKay use to wear and can't believe how quickly he the time has gone by. I enjoyed him as a baby and I am enjoying him as a toddler/pre-schooler. The joy of being a Mother is really the best kept secret. You don't know until you are one just how great it is!

snbjork said...[Reply to comment]

Yipee! Your beautiful post reminds me a little of one of the articles in the April Ensign. Words of Marvin J. Ashton about how now is the time for us to make ourselves better. He said there's no waiting period for improving ourselves and our lives, we need to do it now. Same thing with enjoying our life. Heavenly Father wants us to enjoy our life through the thick and the thin. It sure is easy enough to keep ourselves so busy worrying about cleaning this and that, getting our errands run, making dinner, etc. that we don't sit down with our family an just relax and enjoy each other.

Anyway, sorry for rambling so much. =) Thanks for all the great pictures. Can't wait to see you guys soon!

Vauna said...[Reply to comment]

I love this post, as well as the wonderful pictures. Lately I've been slipping into wishing this phase was over and I'm reminded to find joy in my days. Thank you! Every day I'm trying to find a balance between what I must do and focusing on my kids. Each of your kids is adorable. I can't wait to see them again.

Cindy said...[Reply to comment]

Thank you for that wonderful post. You are such a delightful and inspiring person :-)

Karrot Soup said...[Reply to comment]

I started to write more, but I'm just repeating. So, amen.

Chris said...[Reply to comment]

I love this post like I love you!

Amy Kay said...[Reply to comment]

Michelle, I have to tell you that is one thing I have tried to do a lot more of in the past two years of being a single mom. I have enjoyed life more, whether it is out throwing the football with Owen, basketball with Chandler, baseball with Hayden, or enjoying the beautiful landscape that I pass as I drive through the state of Alabama on the way to Steve's. There is so much to enjoy as we are here on this earth. Your family is wonderful and growing so fast. I truly enjoy each or your posts. Love ya.

France said...[Reply to comment]

I just loved reading this post. What a wonderful way to look at things. Makes me want to be a better Mom. Thanks for sharing. What great pictures too.

llamitanan said...[Reply to comment]

Good job, Michelle! I'm so glad you are enjoying your sweet family. You are a good mom and are savoring every moment of it. You are smart to do that and then you will look back with no regrets. Keep the posts a' comin'. I LOVE them!

Andre said...[Reply to comment]

That is very good advice. As my girls are changing stages it's exactly what I keep telling myself. Enjoy them!