Monday, May 25, 2009

The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. . . .

I'm sorry to go so long without posting! I actually have written 2 or 3 posts, then got sick and never wanted to come back to them. Silly, huh. Maybe someday. . . .

So this will be a short one, and I WILL publish it.

The days are quite hazed with green. I designed a pregnancy ticker to put on the blog, then just about passed out when I saw that there are still 214 days till Christmas. . . . It will not be installed until it shows a more manageable number. :) Grow, Baby, grow!

Guess what?

Hummer has his FIRST LOOSE TOOTH.

We discovered it tonight during FHE. He was on "Share" and couldn't find Lady the Magic Engine, which is what he wanted to share. I sat quietly, not wanting to bring up the fact that she was on top of the bookshelves because of having been used as a weapon earlier today.

Luck was with me, however, and while he was talking, I noticed that the gap between two of his bottom teeth was wider than normal, and called him over to investigate. Sure enough, one of them wiggled!

Everyone was excited, and Hummer could hardly breathe for joy when he remembered about the tooth fairy.

So why did I suddenly want to cry?


Vauna said...[Reply to comment]

I find myself wanting to cry over the littlest things, especially when I'm pregnant! But the signs of our little ones growing up are not little things, childhood is fleeting.
I anxiously await seeing your prgenancy ticker (with a more manageable number).

Michelle said...[Reply to comment]

Ha! I just read my post again this morning, and thought to myself, "TOTAL PREGNANCY HORMONES." And yet, there is always that bittersweetness at any milestone for our children. We're excited they're growing up, yet we grieve that they're growing up. Silly mothers.
Thanks for understanding, Vauna! Can't wait to see you soon!

Melody said...[Reply to comment]

Have you ever heard of taking 1/2 tablet of Unisom before you go to bed? My doctor told me about it to help with the nausea. I was a total skeptic and it took me a week or so of being sick all day, every day before I would try it. And then my life completely changed for the better. It lasts almost all day and you just feel a little queasy at night until you take it again. Best of all, since it's only half a pill, it really doesn't make you tired and it's safe for the baby! Hope it can help you!

Andrea said...[Reply to comment]

I hope you are feeling better soon. The first part is so rough. I lost my breakfast this morning so I know how you feel. 18 weeks, and still GREEN.

snbjork said...[Reply to comment]

You're so cute, Michelle! I know I'll cry when Alton has his first loose tooth. Just thinking about it makes me get all emotional. These little ones just grow up way too fast.