Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 53 - { portraits from Kara }

post written 7/12/11

100 days of gratitude tag I researched a ton before getting Rosebud's 1-year pictures taken, trying to find a photographer that does excellent work but will give me digital copies and not require me to sell one of my offspring to pay for it all. It was tough. I have Martinelli's taste on a root beer budget. :) I just couldn't find any artist photographers that we could afford.

So I finally resolved to go with the new Portrait Innovat**ns that opened in West Little Rock (it is possible to acquire high resolution digital files, but there is a fairly complicated process involved). I hoped for the best, but was pretty sure it would only be a small step up from Walm*rt.

But a loving Heavenly Father knew the desires of my heart. He knew that I was clinging to every moment with this beautiful last baby, and that I desperately wanted good portraits of her. He sent a special blessing. . . .my talented friend Kara offered to take some. She does it as a hobby, but is SO GOOD. Even though she was having surgery the week of Roseberry's BD, she insisted she would be fine to take some the day after.

So here they are, Rosebud's portraits for her 1st birthday. . . .Have fun scrolling!

First, the ones from Portrait Innovat**ns. Taken actually on her birthday. They gave us a disk with low-resolution files of over 100 that they took, and here's a sampling, just for fun. They're fine, but I know I would have always looked back and wished I had better ones.


(outfit was a gift from sweet Rosy and Tommie)



I bought this one.



Cheesy, eh? I wasn't planning to get in any of these, but she was sad and I needed to hold her for a bit. :)



I'm glad we got one with her nursing necklace. Brings back sweet memories now.





Bought this one, too. I love how it shows her personality.




This one cracks me up. How does a one-year-old already know how to sneer? :)



Bought this one.



such a little cherub. :)



Don't you think the photographer should have come in closer or cropped these? Like this:


0069 cropped

That's a little better.



Bought the "special" for this one.





gah! Is that background hideous or what? I wish I had said something while they were getting it out!



Rosebud didn't particularly care for it either.

(This one could go on that awkward family photos site, eh?)



Fancy Nancy outfit from Nana.

She made that pettiskirt, and also one for each of her granddaughters! Go, Nana! (She said it was way hard, and she'll never do it again. :)




Arg. They cut off our knees and feet. Ah, well. Overall it was about what I had feared, and I don't know that I'll go back.

If I could do it over again, I would save the money I spent at PI (and add some to it) to get ginormous canvas prints of Kara's beautiful work!!

(Life's too short to throw money at mediocre portraits, eh? Who needs food? :)

The next day, we went to Kara's house, and she captured these. (The last few were taken a month later because the birthday girl was getting tired and we had to come back). I am SOOO grateful we got these other ones. THANK YOU, Kara!

So here are the REAL portraits (taken on 12/22/10 and 1/19/11). . . .


As you can see, there's no comparison.




DSC_0856 (1)





She was watching the balloons in this one. (See birthday party post :).






This here was the shot I was hoping for. I wanted full-length, with her toes showing, and a smile, her eyes toward the camera. We got it! Woohoo!



She LOVES that Woody doll. :)



Wow. I think this one may very well be my favorite photo of her yet.



This one's on our wall now.



This one was Kara's favorite.


It is amazing to me that even with such a small matter as this--with something that wasn't really a need--I was blessed with one of my wants, heirloom quality portraits of my only daughter. Thank You, Heavenly Father!


Montserrat said...[Reply to comment]

DEFINITELY no comparison! Rosebud is a doll. Kara did a wonderful job capturing that.

heroineworshipper said...[Reply to comment]

Making money at photography & being good at it are 2 opposite things.

Cathy said...[Reply to comment]

I don't think you could get a bad picture of Rosebud but Kara's talent is amazing! Can't believe how talented the group we know is.

Annalisa said...[Reply to comment]

i wish i'd done more photos with my last're so blessed. kara did a great job capturing the beauty and sweetness of her.

Vauna said...[Reply to comment]

Beautiful, simply beautiful. (I wish I had a friend Kara.) I love how Heavenly Father takes care of those seemingly little desires of our heart that mean so much to us!
Bethany and I both enjoyed looking through the photos immensely.
Give that little niece of mine a big squishy kiss!

Thelma said...[Reply to comment]

Kara did a magnificient job. If you ever want Rog or myself to take any everyday pics, give us a call.

Anastasia said...[Reply to comment]

Your friend is wonderfully talented... any chance of getting a print of one of Kara's pics? Or a jpg file for printing?

llamitanan said...[Reply to comment]

I agree with "Cathy" that I don't think you can get a bad picture of Rosebud but Kara really did do a good, quality job. I miss hearing those sweet words, "NaNa!"

snbjork said...[Reply to comment]

Wow! What a beautiful little girl and what a wonderfully talented friend! Simply gorgeous photos. I love that you showed the comparison between the two sets of photos. I am loving the new style of photography as opposed to the age old sit-in-the-studio-and-get-super-cheesy-shots. I want my hubs to learn to do this with his fancy camera. Rosebud is so absolutely adorable!