Friday, December 21, 2007

I turned 29! Again!

DC and the boys were so sweet and loving. They made it a special day. Thanks to you beloved family and friends, too, for your calls and notes. I am so blessed!


Malauna said...[Reply to comment]

What is wrong with 30?

I did come to the realization that I was getting old this year, though, when a research company called and I wasn't in the 18-24 age category that they were looking for.


Nana/Mom said...[Reply to comment]

Can't believe my baby is 30! That seems really young unless you are the mother of that 30-year-old and know you have reached "senior citizen" status at Denny's. :) Sounds like you had a great birthday! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Devin and Melinda said...[Reply to comment]

Happy Birthday Michelle!!