Monday, August 13, 2007

Fluffy's SuperKid!

This is Fluffy at Chick-fil-A last Saturday. When half the town was there. :)
Tonight we had FHE. Hummer was on "Share", and he sang the ABC's song for us, twice, both times to enthusiastic applause. :) Fluffy gave a sweet lesson on Following the Savior, with Daddy's help. He used lots of pictures, and bore his testimony at the end. It was wonderful to hear him! He's really growing up.

We played "I'm going to Target" for the game, and it took FOREVER to get through the whole alphabet. Exacto was on refreshments, and he and Daddy made pistachio pudding with granola in it, and whipped topping on top. Yum.

Fluffy said his "SuperKid things":

"I like Daddy because of his wheelbarrow rides.

I like Mommy (pause) because of her nice, warm hugs.

I like Hummer because he gives me free cars sometimes.

I like Exacto because he's my best friend.

And I like Ms. Dickens. . . ." (here's where we always cut him off, saying, okay, you're done!)

He continued, "And I like me because I'm me." (with a sunny smile)


Nana/Mom said...[Reply to comment]

How fun! I hope you do keep it up. I loved reading and voting! Can you email us every time you add something to the blog?

Michelle said...[Reply to comment]

Sure! I'll try to remember to do that. . . .
I love you! I'm praying for you today.