Sunday, August 27, 2023

Waffles, wigglesticking, and WEB

Here's an unfinished one from a couple weeks ago. . . Still fun to read, hopefully!

August 13, 2023

Snowflake, Arizona

Dear Flammly,

Waffles in the park was great! (were great?) We did it in the evening, since DC had already gone back to work, and we invited Nana and Grandpa. After the waffles was wigglesticking on the basketball court -- the kids are amazing at that! I wish I could do it. I have tried, really hard, but I think I'm too old, plus too uncoordinated to begin with.

Then it was just the final stretch to school starting, and goodbye to our freedom. This summer felt exceptionally short to me, and I really wished there were another month or two still. 

But this year Rosehips is in 8th grade, and she served as a "WEB leader." WEB stands for Where Everyone Belongs; it means a group of 8th grade leaders help groups of 7th graders coming into the junior high to transition happily. 

I was so proud of this girl of ours! She made many phonecalls to actually talk, like out loud, not text, to people she had never met and invite them to orientation. She went to hours of training and preparation, and even taught us one of the games so she could practice with us. 

On Tuesday (the day before school started) she helped with a 4-hour orientation activity for the incoming 7th graders. And then on the first day of school she donned her yellow WEB leader shirt again and went early (well, she tried -- she actually had to wait on me because I forgot how early we'd need to have breakfast!) to help "sevvies" find their classes. What a gem she is! I loved seeing her ready to serve and reach out to people -- beautiful girl!