I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service (Romans 12:1).
Present your body as a living sacrifice. Sacrifice: the word comes from the Latin sancire, meaning to make sacred. That’s exactly what I was doing: offering my very flesh and blood to God, to meet his purposes, to fulfill the desires for children he had planted within me.
Yesterday's cover story in the Meridian Magazine is one of the most beautiful expressions of the significance of womanhood I have ever read. At first I avoided it because of the picture of a pregnant woman--I am ashamed to admit I still struggle with my feelings when I see pregnant women or new babies. But something told me it was okay; go ahead and read it. I'm so glad I did! This author writes powerfully about the inestimable value of the sacrifices we make to fulfill our part of Heavenly Father's plan, no matter what our situation in life.
I have always sensed a sacredness about our power to bring children into the world, despite the physical challenges. In past pregnancies I feared miscarriage so deeply, believing that then all the pain and discomfort already undergone would be wasted. During the experience of losing Benjamin at 38 weeks, I was taught by the Spirit that it was not a waste at all--that the physical trauma I went through to carry and deliver this precious baby, even though he never breathed outside the womb, was a small price to pay for the rich reward of now being mother to a celestial son!
Read the article here.