Friday, January 18, 2008

Exciting Events for Baker Boys

Fluffy lost a top front tooth, which is noteworthy of itself,
but even more remarkable, the Tooth Fairy came the very first night! :)

Exacto won 2nd place in the School Spelling Bee and will go on to the County Bee!

Words spelled correctly included: dragon, famous, idiom, chronic, mantilla, and spherical.

Spelled down on libretto. (spelled it "l-a-b-r-e-t-t-o")


Amy said...[Reply to comment]

Wow great job! Some of those words could be tricky! lol on the tooth fairy! You know, he or she doesn't work on Sundays or snow storms. ;)

Malauna said...[Reply to comment]

What exciting events! Sometimes the tooth fairy comes during the day, because she was too busy (sleeping) during the night.

Devin and Melinda said...[Reply to comment]

That's impressive! Clyn probabably enjoys reading too. Good luck at the County Bee!!

Nana/Mom said...[Reply to comment]

Way to go, Russell! The tooth fairy was very slow at our house. Sometimes the children would write notes on the mirror to remind the toothfairy. That seemed to work best. Congratulations, Clyn! Thanks for calling me with the good news too! Sure love you Bakers!